Supporting article confirming connection between convoluted financial derivatives, asset bubble and the 2008 crash.

Supporting article confirming connection between convoluted financial derivatives, asset bubble and the 2008 crash. We will see whether history is repeating around the globe in the coming weeks. #financialconvolution #convolute #derivative #mathematics #theypa #finance #ssk #srikanthskidambi #srikanthsrinivasankidambi Originally shared by VAL-U-PRO CONSULTING GROUP, LLC - SRIKANTH KIDAMBI 777.68 points drop in one day - Dow on September 29th, 2008 #dow #drop #777 #Finance #Whathappened #forbes #derivative #srikanthskidambi #ssk #srikanthsrinivasankidambi #val-u-pro #ammaecosystem #aaaamegaecosystem