It is important to see the source, validate the source, and the content in the source.

It is important to see the source, validate the source, and the content in the source. In this way, original content providers will come to the forefront. Otherwise, it will be more like rich becoming richer, in its own way. Unlike the professor example, where his/her role is to impart knowledge rather than seeking ownership, social media very much is tied to global economy, and has become the primary stream of sharing content, and advertisement revenue source in the media quarters 

Originally shared by David Dickens

Bottom line: people care more about who shared something than the authorship of a post online when determining the trustworthiness of the post.
Not terribly surprising, though the numbers are slightly stronger than I might have been willing to guess. But this isn't really new either. In college, I might have respected a certain professor and therefor more heavily weighted the material he brought to the class regardless of the initial source, especially in areas where I didn't have the expertise to judge the quality of sources.

Food for thought.


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