With regard to this subject material, it is not about men vs women, whereas it depends on factors such as, current...

With regard to this subject material, it is not about men vs women, whereas it depends on factors such as, current political environment, your personality irrespective of credentials (how your traits fit with current short-term focused organizational trends), connections and other factors. History also comes into play. By the way, we need to dig deeper, and start asking deeper questions on why certain professions need to be paid more than other professions. For example, great contributions in medicine has come from scientist and engineers (Egs: Vaccination, Genomic research, Vitamins role, DNA structure, and more) whereas their compensations usually does not stack up with that of physicians.

As said, "Whole is more important than sum of the parts", and we agree that a basketball team is not a team with one person. In the same way, we have to determine a fair compensation structure with a better measure for performance within a profession, organization and between professions and organizations.

I will share an interesting article next week on how this topic in the medical profession has been a subject of discussion and debate for a long time.

Originally shared by Dr. Farzana Rashid Hossain, MD

Court: Employers can pay women less based on past salaries; #Physician #paygap harder to prove due to NDA clause; right?

http://wapo.st/2oQP0Xa?tid=ss_tw via Washington Post


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